This is required "bomb11.aiff" file.
/***************************************************************** // bomb sweeper // Copyright (C) 1993,2012 by AIG-SOFT /***************************************************************** /* variable(like constant) font("IPAGothic") int fzenhan int WX=64 int WY=width(WX,,fzenhan) int xw=1 if fzenhan then xw=2 /***************************************************************** int MX =(WX/2)-2 :/* map max x width (-2 for frame) int MY =19 :/* map max y heigh int MXX=5 :/* map min x width int MYY=4 :/* map min y height int BOMB='*' :/* bomb code:'*'=&h2a =< &h3f int ERR=9 :/* Judgment mistake int BMBIT=bit(7) :/* bit for should bomb int CHBIT=bit(6) :/* unknown bit int OPBIT=(BMBIT or CHBIT) :/* bits for open status int NOPBIT=(not OPBIT) :/* bits for get character only /* screen home position int SX=2 :/* sx>=2 & sx+(MX+1)*2< screen x width int SY=4 :/* sy>=4 & sy+MY+1 < screen y height int ESC=&h1B int CR =&h0d /***************************************************************** /* global variable dim char map( (64/2),19) :/* current map dim char map0((64/2),19) :/* virtual screen dim int touchNo(10) :// Touch area No. int touchCnt :// The number of touch area int wx,wy :/* map width int seed,bomb :/* the number of bomb and should bomb int all :/* the number of point on all should open int ts,dt :/* start time, elapsed time /***************************************************************** int ret int minbomb,maxbomb /* set field width and the number of bombs str widthStr,heightStr,bombStr,defaultStr,messageStr if isLocalizeJapan() then { widthStr ="横幅" heightStr="縦幅" minbomb=MXX*MYY/8 :/* min 1/8 maxbomb=wx*wy/2 :/* max 1/2 bombStr="爆弾数" defaultStr="標準" messageStr="メッセージ" } else { widthStr ="width " heightStr="height" minbomb=MXX*MYY/8 :/* min=1/8 maxbomb=wx*wy/2 :/* max=1/2 bombStr="bombs" defaultStr="default" messageStr="message" } print widthStr ;"(";MXX;"~";MX;")"; dim str menues(3)={"10","20","30"} menues(3)=defaultStr wx=selectMenu(widthStr,menues):// last item of selectMenu() is special if wx=3 then wx=2 wx=(wx+1)*10 print wx // input wx print heightStr;"(";MYY;"~";MY;")"; menues={"5","10","15","19"} repeat wy=selectMenu2(heightStr,menues) until wy<>-1 wy=5*(wy+1) print wy // input wy if wx<MXX then wx=MXX if wx>MX then wx=MX if wy<MYY then wy=MYY if wy>MY then wy=MY minbomb=MXX*MYY/8 :/* min=1/8 maxbomb=wx*wy/2 :/* max=1/2 print bombStr;"(";minbomb;"~";maxbomb")"; menues={"50","100","150","200"} seed=selectMenuWithMessage(bombStr,messageStr,menues) seed=50*(seed+1) print seed // input seed if seed<minbomb then seed=minbomb if seed>maxbomb then seed=maxbomb int sno=a_setPlayData("bomb11.aiff") a_play(sno) /* main routine repeat /* initialize random number srand2() /* place bombs all=BombSeed(seed) bomb=0 BombCount() dt=0:/* elapsed time /* display initial screen InitScreen() /* key operation ret=CursorMove() /* end check if ret=-2 then break:/* force end switch ret case -1:/* try again MapPrintAll(YES):/* display all break case 0: /* Game clear GameClear() break case 1: /* Game over MapPrintAll(YES):/* display all GameOver() break endswitch /* Try again locate(20,2) if isLocalizeJapan() then { print "《もう一度しますか?》"; setFunctionKey(0,"はい" ,CR) setFunctionKey(1,"いいえ",ESC) } else { print "<< Try Again ? >>"; setFunctionKey(0,"YES",CR) setFunctionKey(1,"NO" ,ESC) } displayFunctionKey(YES,0,1) repeat ret=inkey() until ret<>0 displayFunctionKey(NO,0,1) // remove touch area // Once release and re-set up. Otherwise, it will continue to overlap area. resetTouchArea() until (ret=ESC) a_end(sno):// release sound buffer if isLocalizeJapan() then { print "終了" } else { print "end" } end /***************************************************************** /* Functions /***************************************************************** func int CursorMove() /* cursor move and operation int x,y,c int t /* initial position /* move cursor to no bomb place for x=0 to wx-1 for y=0 to wy-1 if ((map(x,y) and NOPBIT)<>BOMB) then goto "CM1" next next label "CM1" ts=time():/* start time while YES /* reverse display at cursor point c=map(x,y) tatrb(ATRB_REVERSE) locate2(x,y) print printChr$(c); tatrb(ATRB_NORMAL) // timer count until key input // int cnt=0 while (not kbhit()) /* until key input none t=time() if t-ts>dt then { :/* change second dt=dt+1 PrintTime(dt) // beep2(0) // print "cnt=";cnt } // inc(cnt) endwhile /* normal display at cursor point locate2(x,y) print printChr$(c); // // key operation c=inkey() beep2(0) :// click sound switch c case &h1b: /* retry return(-1) /* cursor roll at screen edge case '2': /* ↓ if y<wy-1 then y=y+1 else y=0 break case '4': /* ← if x>0 then x=x-1 else x=wx-1 break case '6': /* → if x<wx-1 then x=x+1 else x=0 break case '8': /* ↑ if y>0 then y=y-1 else y=wy-1 break case '5': /* Check CheckMapPoint(x,y) MapPrint() /* The check should not be open to all break case ' ': /* Open if OpenMapPoint(x,y) then return(YES):/* game over /* display if MapPrint() then return(NO) break endswitch endwhile return (YES) endfunc /***************************************************************** func int MapPrint() /* diaplay map and update virtual screen /* return:0=It is not already open all , 1=open all int x,y,c int all0=0 for y=0 to wy-1 for x=0 to wx-1 c=map(x,y) if map0(x,y)<>c then { /* update screen locate2(x,y) print printChr$(c) map0(x,y)=c:/* update virtual screen } /* count open point if ((c and OPBIT)=OPBIT) then all0=all0+1 next next return(all0=all) endfunc /***************************************************************** func MapPrintAll(mode;int) /* display map all /* mode : 0=is still , 1=all open (With a judgment mistake) int x,y,c str ls for y=0 to wy-1 ls="" for x=0 to wx-1 c=map(x,y) if mode then { if (c and OPBIT)=BMBIT then { /* checked with 'bomb is here' /* if there is no bomb then it is doubt if (c and NOPBIT)<>BOMB then c=ERR } c=(c or OPBIT):/* open } ls=ls+printChr$(c) next locate2(0,y) print ls next // color(7) endfunc /***************************************************************** func str printChr$(c;int) /* display character /* c : bit6,7 = opened(11)/check mark(10)/bomb mark(01)/close(00) /* bit0-5 = map status &h00 - &h3f str cs int cc=(c and OPBIT) if cc=0 then { /* close return ("□") } if cc=CHBIT then { /* CHBIT check marking return ("?") } if cc=BMBIT then { /* bomb is here marking return ("☆") } if cc=OPBIT then { /* opend switch (c and NOPBIT) case 0:cs= "・":break case 1:cs= "1":break case 2:cs= "2":break case 3:cs= "3":break case 4:cs= "4":break case 5:cs= "5":break case 6:cs= "6":break case 7:cs= "7":break case 8:cs= "8":break case 9:/* mistake cs= "×" break case '*':/* bomb cs= "★" break endswitch } return (cs) endfunc /***************************************************************** func locate2(x;int,y;int) locate(SX+(x)*xw,SY+y) :/* *xw for double-width character endfunc /***************************************************************** func WakuPrint(yoko;str,tate;str,kado;str,fall;int) /* display map frame int i /* horizontal line str yokos="" for i=0 to wx-1:yokos=yokos+yoko:next locate2(0,-1):print yokos locate2(0,wy):print yokos /* vertical line if fall then { // erase internal = fast str tates=tate+space$(wx*xw)+tate for i=0 to wy-1 locate2(-1,i):print tates; next } else { // redraw border only = slow for i=0 to wy-1 locate2(-1,i):print tate; locate2(wx,i):print tate; next } /* corner locate2(-1,-1):print kado; locate2(-1,wy):print kado; locate2(wx,-1):print kado; locate2(wx,wy):print kado; endfunc /***************************************************************** func InitScreen() /* display initial screen cls() WakuPrint("-","|","+",YES) MapPrintAll(NO) locate(5,0) if isLocalizeJapan() then { print using "マップ幅:##×## 爆弾数:###/### 時間:#####";wx,wy,bomb,seed,dt /* 0 1 2 3 4 /* +0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 /* +locate } else { print using "map size:##×## bombs :###/### time:#####";wx,wy,bomb,seed,dt } str open$,exit$ if isLocalizeJapan() then { open$="開く" exit$="中断" } else { open$="open" exit$="exit" } int x=WX/2-18 int y=SY+wy+2 // 012345678901234567890123456789 locate(x,y+0):print " ┏━┓" locate(x,y+1):print " ┃↑┃" locate(x,y+2):print " ┗━┛" locate(x,y+3):print "┏━┓┏━┓┏━┓ ┏━━┓" locate(x,y+4):print "┃←┃┃?┃┃→┃ ┃";open$;"┃" locate(x,y+5):print "┗━┛┗━┛┗━┛ ┗━━┛" locate(x,y+6):print " ┏━┓" locate(x,y+7):print " ┃↓┃" locate(x,y+8):print " ┗━┛" int i=0 touchNo(inc(i))=setTouchAreaWithText(x+ 6,y ,xw*3,3,'8',YES,125,0,5,100) touchNo(inc(i))=setTouchAreaWithText(x+ 6,y+6,xw*3,3,'2',YES,125,0,5,100) touchNo(inc(i))=setTouchAreaWithText(x ,y+3,xw*3,3,'4',YES,125,0,5,100) touchNo(inc(i))=setTouchAreaWithText(x+12,y+3,xw*3,3,'6',YES,125,0,5,100) // touchNo(inc(i))=setTouchAreaWithText(x+ 6,y+3,xw*3,3,'5',YES,150,50, 5,120):/* check touchNo(inc(i))=setTouchAreaWithText(x+22,y+3,xw*4,3,' ',YES,150, 5 ,5,120):/* open touchCnt=i // setFunctionKey(0,exit$,ESC) displayFunctionKey(YES,0,0) endfunc func resetTouchArea() int i for i=0 to touchCnt removeTouchArea(touchNo(i)) next touchCnt=0 endfunc /***************************************************************** func PrintBombCount() /* display left bombs locate(5+26,0) print using "###";bomb endfunc /***************************************************************** func PrintTime(dt;int) /* display time locate(5+42,0) print using "#####";dt endfunc /***************************************************************** func GameClear() /* display game clear screen /* change frame design beep() WakuPrint("◇","◇","◇",NO) beep() locate(6,1) if isLocalizeJapan() then { print "§§ おめでとう! あなたは総ての爆弾を捜し当てました §§"; } else { print "<< Congratulations! You've turned up the bomb of all >>"; } endfunc /***************************************************************** func GameOver() /* display game over screen /* change frame design a_play(sno) WakuPrint("☆","☆","☆",NO) a_play(sno) locate(10,1) if isLocalizeJapan() then { print "@@ あなたは爆弾にぶち当たってしまいました @@"; } else { print "@@ You've hit a bomb @@"; } endfunc /***************************************************************** func CheckMapPoint(x;int,y;int) /* check point on the map int c c=map(x,y) c=(c and OPBIT) if c=OPBIT then { /* already open /* Reopen the place is open waste beep() return() } if c=0 then { /* closed -> probable bomb map(x,y)=(BMBIT or map(x,y)) bomb=bomb+1 PrintBombCount() return() } if c=BMBIT then { /* probable bomb -> check please map(x,y)=(c and NOPBIT)or CHBIT return() } if c=CHBIT then { /* please check -> close map(x,y)=(NOPBIT and map(x,y)) bomb=bomb-1 PrintBombCount() } endfunc /***************************************************************** func int OpenMapPoint(x;int,y;int) /* open point on the map int c c=map(x,y) if ((c and OPBIT)=OPBIT) then { /* already open /* Reopen the place is open waste beep() return(NO):/* nothing to do without warning } if ((c and NOPBIT)=BOMB) then { /* open bomb a_play(sno) return(YES):/* game over } /* There is open so it is not already open if (c=0) then { /* If there is no bomb around open in the paint type PaintMap(x,y) } else { /* When there is at least one bomb around, the only one open point map(x,y)=(OPBIT or map(x,y)):/* opened symbol } return(NO) endfunc /***************************************************************** func PaintMap(x;int,y;int) /* open 0 point from map (x,y) /* Basically it is same as the paint routine, but it is different to open border int c,xs,xe if map(x,y)<>0 then { /* if the first point is not zero then end return() } /* 0 <- x : left search xe=x+1 :/* point that is search start right while x>=0 c=map(x,y) if ((c and OPBIT)=0) then { map(x,y)=(OPBIT or map(x,y)) } if (c<>0) then break:/* border /* open border too // Border is not bomb. // Bacause there are from 1 to 8 around the bomb always. x=x-1:/* to left endwhile if x<0 then xs=0 else xs=x /* xs=Leftmost segment(include with border) /* x -> wx-1 : right search while xe<=wx-1 c=map(xe,y) if (c and OPBIT)=0 then map(xe,y)=(OPBIT or map(xe,y)) if c<>0 then break:/* order xe=xe+1 :/* to right endwhile if xe=wx then xe=xe-1 /* xe=rightmost segment(include with border) if y>0 then PaintMapSub(xs,xe,y-1):/* upper check if y<wy-1 then PaintMapSub(xs,xe,y+1):/* lower check endfunc /***************************************************************** func PaintMapSub(xs;int,xe;int,yy;int) /* PaintMap() subroutine : for upper/lower check int x,c for x=xs to xe c=map(x,yy) if c=0 then { PaintMap(x,yy) } else { if (c and OPBIT)=0 then map(x,yy)=(OPBIT or map(x,yy)):/* open with border } next endfunc /***************************************************************** func int BombSeed(seeds;int) /* bomb placement in the map /* seeds : the number of bomb < wx*wy /* random initialize outside int x,y int all /* map clear for y=0 to wy-1 for x=0 to wx-1 map(x,y)=0 next next /* Number must be open to all non-bomb all=wx*wy-seeds /* bomb placement while seeds>0 x=rand2(wx) y=rand2(wy) if map(x,y)=0 then { /* Set bombs map(x,y)=BOMB:/* map map0(x,y)=BOMB:/* virtual screen seeds=seeds-1 :/* decrement left bomb }:/* When there is a bomb there already will look for another location endwhile return(all) endfunc /***************************************************************** func BombCount() /* Write bomb status in the map /* Writing in advance the number of bomb around each point int x,y,xx,yy,xs,ys,xe,ye,c for y=0 to wy-1 ys=y-1:if ys<0 then ys=0 ye=y+1:if ye>wy-1 then ye=wy-1 for x=0 to wx-1 if map(x,y)=BOMB then continue:/* skip bomb xs=x-1:if xs<0 then xs=0 xe=x+1:if xe>wx-1 then xe=wx-1 /* count around c=0 for yy=ys to ye for xx=xs to xe if map(xx,yy)=BOMB then c=c+1 next next /* c=0~8 map(x,y)=c:/* map map0(x,y)=c:/* virtual screen next next endfunc /***************************************************************** /* General functions /***************************************************************** func srand2() /* initialize rand() int tm=time() tm=tm and &h0fff tm=tm * 16 srand(tm) endfunc func rand2(seed;int) return (rand() mod seed):/* generate random number 0 to seed-1 endfunc /*****************************************************************Zip file including sound file is here :