// init. graphic screen // width(64) vpriority(TPAGE,GPAGE0,GPAGE1,GPAGE2,GPAGE3) vpage(B_TPAGE or B_GPAGE0 or B_GPAGE1 or B_GPAGE2 or B_GPAGE3,YES) apage(GPAGE0) tborder(4,&hffd700ff):// gold gborder(2,&h008080ff):// teal // // Oh!X 1988/5 p58 // Turtle Graphic - Koch curve int n input "n(<=8)=";n // There is no constraint on the theory, but this is a limit on the drawing. if n>8 then n=8 locate(0,2):print "n=";n set(64,64) right(90) pencolor(rgb(255,255,255,255)) Koch(n,200*(n+3)) // print time$ wait(5) print time$ //hitKey() wipe() // // Oh!X 1988/5 p57 // Turtle Graphic - Triangle float turtle_x,turtle_y,turtle_arg int turtle_color int i ,j,k,x,y,length x=64 for k=0 to 4: // Number of horizontal y=128 for j = 0 to 4: // Number of vertical tcolor(CTHWHITE) locate(0,5):print "k,j=";k,j set(x,y) right(rnd()*360) int h=rnd()*360 int s=rnd()*256 //locate(0,10):print "h=";h;"/s=";s pencolor(hsv(h,s,255,255)) for i=1 to 20 length=5*i forward(length) right(120) forward(length) right(120) forward(length) right(140) next y=y+128 next x=x+128 next end //--------- func Koch(n;int,length;float) if n>0 then { Koch(n-1,length/4#) right(-45) Koch(n-1,length/4#) right(90) Koch(n-1,length/4#) right(-45) Koch(n-1,length/4#) } else { forward(length) } endfunc //--------- func set(x;float,y;float) // tcolor(&hcc6633ff) locate(0,0):print "x,y=";x,y turtle_x=x turtle_y=y turtle_arg=2#*pi() endfunc //--------- func forward(length;float) float x,y x=turtle_x y=turtle_y turtle_x=turtle_x+cos( turtle_arg ) *length turtle_y=turtle_y-sin( turtle_arg ) *length gcolor(turtle_color) line(x,y, turtle_x,turtle_y) endfunc //--------- func right(arg;float) turtle_arg = turtle_arg-arg/180#*pi() endfunc // func pencolor(col;int) locate(0,1) print "color=&h";right$("00000000"+hex$(col),8); int r,g,b,alpha splitRGB(col,r,g,b,alpha) print using "/r=###/g=###/b=###";r;g;b turtle_color=col endfunc //--------- func hitKey() setFunctionKey(0,localizedString("ここを押してください","Hit This Button"),'!') displayFunctionKey(YES,0,0) while inkey()=0 endwhile cls() displayFunctionKey(NO,0,0) endfunc //--------- func str localizedString(js;str,es;str) if isLocalizeJapan() then return(js) return (es) endfunc //---------
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